Study on extraction and purification of scopoletin from Radix Eurycomae longifoliae for reference stadndard establishment.

Ngoc Lan Do Thi1, Ha Van Quach2, Tien Dat Nguyen3, Van Lau Trinh4, Quang Thao Le4,5,
1 Drug Administration of Vietnam
2 Institute of Pharmacy Training, Vietnam Military Medicinal University
3 Center for High Technology Research and Development, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
4 National Institute of Drug Quality Control
5 Vietnam National University - University of Medicine and Pharmacy

Main Article Content


Scopoletin (SCOP) is a coumarin synthesized by diverse medicinal and edible plants, which plays a vital role as a therapeutic and chemopreventive agent in the treatment of a variety of diseases. SCOP was one of the major substances in Radix Eurycomae longifoliae, so which would be a potentially chemical marker for control quality of this herbal material. This study have been developed an extraction and purification procedure of SCOP for establishing its reference standard. In this procedure, the Radix Eurycoma longifolia powerder was ultrasonically extracted with ethanol 50 % (v/v), and then ethanol was evaporated in vacuo to give water suspension. The suspension was suscessively partitioned with dichloromethan, eluted on silica column and crystallized by using the combination of dichlromethan and methanol at suitable ratios to obtain crystal. Finally, the crystal was purified on C18 column to get SCOP material. The SCOP material, was identified by MS spectrometry, NMR, UV-VIS, IR spectroscopy and melting point at 205,6 oC, contained 98.59 % of scopoletin (C10H8O4), which was calculated form volatile impurities (0.0012 %), residue on ignition (0.013 %) and of related substances (1.41 %). It was concluded that the established procedure was suitable for producing SCOP material for standard references establishment.

Article Details


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